I haven't been very good about updating my blog the last week or so. I have been taking photos and here are a few and some stories even.
I put this in my hair, it now also has a black feather in it as well. I feel a little like a hippie, but I like it.
These are just some flowers in our apt. It was late what can i say?
Now this is a great story. Once upon a time Renae saw the movie "Jack the Giant Slayer" with out me. I have wanted to see it, so when it came out on Red Box we went to get it. There is a Red Box a few blocks away in every direction of our house. So we get on our bikes and start to ride. Right now i am riding a really cool bike a good friend of ours fixed up for me. We were almost to the Red Box, all we had to do was cross State Street and we would be on our way home. That was a good thing because the sky had turned very dark and it were about to have a summer lightning storm. Renae tells me that if you get hit by lightning on a bike you will be fine, I don't think that's true. Anyway as I start to cross the street the chain on my bike snaps. So there i was in the middle of a lane of traffic with a bike that isn't going anywhere. I run it back to the side of the road, and then run back a cross traffic to get the movie. Renae this whole time is just talking on her phone on the North side of the road, not event caring about my pain. So we start back home, Nea riding me walking and the rain hits. Then the lightning hits. Its not so bad, so we keep walking and laughing and talking. Then about 3 blocks from home Renae starts to yell, "baby bird, baby bird" and wave here hand in the air. Turns out at one point in our walk home a little bird had landed on my back and was just holding onto my shirt getting a free ride. Lazy Bird. Well we try to take a photo, the bird doesn't like that and flies right at Renae's face. That was the Silver Lining in that storm.
The next day after the bird, we tried to go play laser tag in Lehi. We filled Nea's car with 7 people and we were off. We get to Trafalga and park under the building in the parking garage. It turns out that they don't put lights down there, just passing on the savings i guess. So we are all a little scared to get out of the car, but we do. We walk into the building and there are 10000000 children running everywhere. Boo i know. We walk up to the counter to sign up for Laser Tag only to be told that it is sold out for the night. Long story short, almost everything is sold out or turned off for the night. Nea, Neeley, and I got to do the water bumper cars and that was it. So no three of us are all wet and everyone else has just waited in line forever with out doing anything. What can we do? OH I know drive to IKEA to enjoy so food. Turns out IKEA closes at 9, we found that out when we walked in the door at 8:55. We run through the store and get to the restaurant-closed. More running to the cafe where we enjoy a $1 cone of frozen yogurt.
Lucy came for the weekend! It was amazing and we love her so much. We went and saw "The Sound of Music" at the SCERA Shell. It was enjoyable and a good time was had by all.